Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pizza is not a vegetable, broccoli is...

Okay, so we have had a really rough week. I am not going to go into details but all I can say is thank goodness for family. And friends. And food. Tonight we went to dinner at Aunt Janet and Uncle Jim's house in Marin and they prepared the most delicious stuffed peppers -- the kind of food that makes you instantly feel warm and satisfied inside. Leo loved every bite even though he filled up on appetizers before dinner. Thank you for Aunt Janet's cooking.

The other thing that I am thankful for this week, and it may seem trivial but it's a big deal to me, is the fact that my kid loves broccoli. Yes, broccoli. I was feeling particularly guilty a few days ago when I popped a pizza in the oven for dinner because I was too tired to cook and we didn't have any more leftovers. Even though Congress may have declared that pizza is a vegetable, I certainly do not agree. So, I quickly steamed some broccoli to give to Leo as an appetizer before the pizza was done, and he not only consumed the entire bowl of broccoli but licked the bowl clean.

I know what you're thinking. "Yeah right, photos or it didn't happen." So here they are to prove it:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My little Chia pet

At Leo's last well check-up, his pediatrician recommended that we give him Chia seeds for omegas. She said it's an even better source than Flax, so we've been sprinkling Chia seeds on top of his yogurt and mixing them into his oatmeal. He doesn't seem to mind them at all. He also gets cod liver oil and vitamin D mixed into his food. We're lucky that this kid isn't picky and is such a good eater!