Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Soul

We are hunkering down for the winter...er, autumn, whatever this is....and making big pots of chicken soup that last for many meals. We've been adding different vegetables -- carrots, zucchini, onion, and celery. Leo likes cooked carrots the best.

There is a beautiful new local butcher shop that opened up in town where we get our sustainably raised, local chickens. (I know it sounds strange to call a butcher shop beautiful, but it really is a clean and classy place, much fancier than your average butcher.) Most importantly, the meat they get comes from animals that are 100% pasture-raised with no antibiotics or hormones. When we get our chicken, we ask for the head and feet which make for the best, most nourishing stock.

Speaking of food for the soul, Leo spent the weekend reading and pumpkin-patching. He enjoyed the reading nest I made for him on Sunday. Here he is "reading" on his own...so cute!

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