Saturday, October 1, 2011

Our Visit to the Berkeley Teahouse

Last weekend we had crisp chilly fall weather and we were getting stir-crazy inside so we decided to venture out to the Imperial Tea Court teahouse in Berkeley for some hot tea to warm our bodies. I love the tea presentation at this teahouse because you get to sip your tea in the classic Chinese way with the covered teacup.

Christopher chose an organic rooibos and I chose a jasmine tea. We shared both with Leo, who sipped the tea (once it had cooled to a lukewarm temp) out of his own tiny porcelain tasting cup. It was so sweet to watch him blow on the tea before taking a sip. We could tell that he very much liked being included in this outing and the tradition of sharing tea together. Here are some pics of our tea tasting...


  1. Aly I love your blog! And I'm pretty sure that Leo drinking tea is the cutest thing I've ever seen!

  2. Thanks, Emily! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Maybe you can give me some blog advice:)
